Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lonely Heart

Chapter 2 : Wish Of A Dying Man

The end is coming,
It might not be the end of the world,
But the end of a dying man,
For he who has walk his path in this world,
Seeking an answer to this pathetic life of his,
Traveled through chain of pains,
Through verse and foreign land unknown to him,
Traveled alone with only himself and his will as his guide,
He had traveled with not only himself,
With a person which people could call his one true love,
He cherished his life with her by his side,
Till one fated day finally came,
His love walk away from him and never turn back,
He felt helpless,
His will turn to black,
A new path to be chose which differ from his path,
A life to be alone and polarity is a fact,
Carrying a desease that has no cure yet,
Which could kill a person,
Not their body but their mind,
A disease which is caused by a broken heart,
Which suffered by all people which has fallen in love,
When people put their trust on each other,
And trust will turn to deceit,
But to him,
He would give anything just to be with his one true love,
Then the man traveled the world alone,
In order to heal the wound inside his heart,
Until the day where he is finally out of breath,
Not able to continue his journey anymore,
Left to die alone in a foreign land,
Before he dies,
He has one wish and only one wish,
To be with his true love which brighten up,
The life of a man with a lonely heart..............................

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