Sunday, October 4, 2009

Test Assignment Test Assignment Exams Im Feeling Sick

Lots of assignment and lots of test are coming and everything is done last minit. Padan muka aku jugaklah buat kerja last minit. Haish what to do. Can't wait for this semester to end. Its gonna be the last sem for me here in penang yes only 1 and a half month to go. but this 1 and a half month is really killing me waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i dun even know what i have studied during this whole semester especially for the entrepreneurship subject. i only know that i came to his class just to hear him telling stories about his work, about bela babi untung, lawak, lawak and lawak again. i dun even know if he ever does give a lecture about the subject and suddenly when he gives us a test i dun even know what the hell is the question. damn i don't want to repeat anymore subject. i want this to be my last semester here in penang. it's not because of the people, i like hanging out with all of my friends here its just that the place here sucks lol. buat tu tak boleh buat ni tak boleh macam macam lah tak boleh buat. kalau di kk ko buat ja lah apa ko mau teda orang mau halang. haish even though penang sucks but i know after i finish studying here nanti i'm gonna miss this place. its kinda like a new home to me oredy i spent almost two years here oredy. uish lari topic sudah ni taw. well anyways test assignment and exams really makes me feel sick in the stomach. thats because i dun really understand the subject this semester. i like both kitchen subject even though it's a little tough for the artistry class because aku ni ndak berseni langsung ni. ahahaha really need to improve on the art thingy. marketing is not really a big problem to me. my big problems is entrepreneurship subject where i dun understand a thing, economics man i really hate numbers and formulas and lastly law subject even though i learnt a bit about law for 2 years before and the question is quite easy for me but i really cannot stand the lecturer where she just membebel sorang di depan class for three hours without even asking the student whether we understand or not and don't want to do discussion with the class. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh tekanan. somebody kill me now ahahaha well thats about all about my recent tekanan i'll try my best to do everything in this short time and studied for what i have missed so just wish me luck. calo

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another day in hell

Today is another day in hell where I woke up from my sleep and have a bad headache thinking about the assignment and presentation that I need to do as the class C.O.D (chef of the day). Aiya busan owh penat lagi ni. A lot of stuff to think about, menus, ordering, presenting, hiasan, cloth macam macam lah.

Enough about kitchen class. There are also other things that occupied my mind and bikin sakit kepala. For instance got assignment for entrepreneurship where we need to send our first draft about two weeks ago and until now we still not able to send the first draft even though lama sudah siap. Im too lazy to do any work now don't no why. Besides that there also going to be test for this class tomorrow not only for the etr class but also for computer class. zzzzzzzzzz test test and test again. I hate test or anything that need to written lol why dont the government create some new ways of testing the student besides need to do written test ahahaha.

Again money............ why does money is so important to us nowadays. I can still remember the days when I was still little, ui sa pun pernah jugak bha kecil kecilan ni ehehehe, I dont need money to enjoy and have fun. I can just go out with ma frens and cousin playing a game of football, go to the beach for a swim memancing at the river, main guli and much more. we dont need money for this type of excitement. now everything seems to need money like playing football or futsal where we need to rent the place up because there is no empty lot for us to play here. besides that food is so ridiculously expensive here in semenanjung. what happen to the bihun soup seringgit now to eat bihun soup it cost me at least 3 ringgit wow it has tripled since then. is money just a new world conspiracy haha to enslave the people using money lol.

besides money time is also seems to be a very valuable thing for me. why do i need to attend classes so that its going to be easier for me to get a job. cant people just get a job without education. skill is something we can acquire in time. cant we just have classes at our home using the internet??? apa guna cakap ja zaman i.t but they still use the ancient way of having classes where to sit in class ramai ramai sempit macam sardin and waste petrol on transportation. we need to save our world from polution and car creates polution to the air by burning up the fuel. haish what is happening to our world today.

i think thats all I can say for today, renung renung kan lah wahai kengkawan, ada ada jak

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lonely Heart

Chapter 2 : Wish Of A Dying Man

The end is coming,
It might not be the end of the world,
But the end of a dying man,
For he who has walk his path in this world,
Seeking an answer to this pathetic life of his,
Traveled through chain of pains,
Through verse and foreign land unknown to him,
Traveled alone with only himself and his will as his guide,
He had traveled with not only himself,
With a person which people could call his one true love,
He cherished his life with her by his side,
Till one fated day finally came,
His love walk away from him and never turn back,
He felt helpless,
His will turn to black,
A new path to be chose which differ from his path,
A life to be alone and polarity is a fact,
Carrying a desease that has no cure yet,
Which could kill a person,
Not their body but their mind,
A disease which is caused by a broken heart,
Which suffered by all people which has fallen in love,
When people put their trust on each other,
And trust will turn to deceit,
But to him,
He would give anything just to be with his one true love,
Then the man traveled the world alone,
In order to heal the wound inside his heart,
Until the day where he is finally out of breath,
Not able to continue his journey anymore,
Left to die alone in a foreign land,
Before he dies,
He has one wish and only one wish,
To be with his true love which brighten up,
The life of a man with a lonely heart..............................

Lonely Heart

Chapter 1 : Abandoned By The Light

Sorrow grew inside a lonely heart

Unknown to the world from which he belongs
In grief and broken away from the light
Which shines and brightens the world and our lives
He chooses to exile himself in the dark
Because his light abandoned him so shine up new life
The darkness swallowed his life at first sight
Leaves him defenseless against the darkness might
Silence filled up the air around him all night
Day turn into night and death comes to the living
Now to the poor soul
Everything means nothing without his light
Without his light that shines and brightens his life
Then he decided that he should run
Run like he never ran before
He runs and continues to run just for one thing
So that he can find his way back
To the light that once has brighten the life of
This man with the lonely heart................

Monday, August 31, 2009

restaurant city frenzy

currently im addicted in playing this 1 game from facebook application. we call it game temenung ahaha restaurant city actually. it all started with a friend of mine housemate actually when i saw him playing this murahan punya game in facebook lol. at first we all cakap kenapa dia main game buduh ni, then later 1 by 1 of us started to try this game until all of us in the house addicted to the game ahahaha. 1 of my housemate create a facebook account just to play that game because he is a hardcore myspace person now his using facebook all day. whats so good about the game??? actually i oso dun know why, its just about buying cloth, item and arrangement of your restaurant, just like sims. now if i havent open my facebook for a day it seems my hand pandai jadi gatal mau bukak facebook main tu game ahahahaha. inilah ni orang teda kerje

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sendiri Sendiri

It's a nice morning and it was a good sleep only to realize that.
None of my housemates were around damn them pigi kelas ndak kasi bangun sa.
I missed my class again lah nampak gayanya malasnya mau forge mc lagi.
But to think again it was also my fault cause I sleep late last night ehehehe main game.
Everything is okay now sakit pun baik sudah tinggal mau kasi habis antibiotik ja.
Buduh punya ubat tapi ada bagus jugaklah dia kasi baik sa.
And now I am left alone terpaksa tunggu diorang balik.
Lately everyone seems to be acting sendiri sendiri ndak pandai membawa lagi tu.
Taulah semua sudah ada cewek kan. Nampak gayanya akulah last man standing.
I miss the time when we all will tebodoh sama sama ndak tau mau buat apa.
Skrg aku satu orang ja lah selalu tebodoh di rumah. Jadi internet freak ahahaha.
Actually I got a lot of things in mind of what to do but.
My wallet won't agree with me ahaha I really spend a lot.
Sometimes I don't know on what I spend my money on.
Habis begitu ja ni. Maybe because I eat a lot and still I'm still kurus.
I am feeling so lazy this semester. I'ts hard for me to study.
Whenever I got the chance to skip class I will skip class without hesitation.
Forging mc is my specialty now ehehehe. There's a romur I heard about extending sem.
It's because of the H1N1 because the number of cases seems to be rising.
I hope they will consider extending the sem, I don't mind graduate a bit later.
Better than to die because of some stupid disease right.
I also might got what I wanted most a whole semester break wooohoooo.
Is this what they call killing to birds with one stone.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

H1N1 Outbreak

I'm feeling sick right now. I dunno if it's H1N1 or it is just a normal cold and flu.
Actually i've been sick for about how long already.
1 week actually and 3 of my housemates already been quarantine by our unit kesihatan
I'm planning to go there this coming monday.
I just hope there's nothing wrong with me.
Well I do hope to get a mc just like my fellow housemates.
The unit kesihatan gave them 5 days of rest damn thats a whole week you know.
I just hope I can get medical leave but I don't want to get really sick.
Ehehehe I'm unreasonable ain't I lol. Tamak ni semua pun mau.
Well let's hope the best for me.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm Back

How long has it been????
Is it been days, weeks, months, years maybe.
It's been a while now since the last time updated my blog.
I don't know why. Do you know why???
I hope you guys can tell me why because,
I've been wondering myself what happened to me.
It seems that I've becoming lazier and lazier by the minute.
I don't enjoy doing anything that seems fun for me to do right now.
I even felt bored playing games which I like the most before.
Why is this happening to me???
Is it because I'm growing older by the day????
I missed my teenager years.
Where we are still young, naive, energetic, rebelious and also stupid :)
Where it seems that we don't have any responsibilities to the world.
Doing anything that we wanted to do just for the excitement of it.
Haish zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz
Time really goes by right.
It's not that I don't want to accept reality.
But it just seems that it really goes by a little bit to fast.
And it gets faster by the day. What to do zZzZzZzZz.
We can't do anything to stop it.
Nature is just too strong for us to stop.
All we can do is sit and watch it goes by.