Monday, August 31, 2009

restaurant city frenzy

currently im addicted in playing this 1 game from facebook application. we call it game temenung ahaha restaurant city actually. it all started with a friend of mine housemate actually when i saw him playing this murahan punya game in facebook lol. at first we all cakap kenapa dia main game buduh ni, then later 1 by 1 of us started to try this game until all of us in the house addicted to the game ahahaha. 1 of my housemate create a facebook account just to play that game because he is a hardcore myspace person now his using facebook all day. whats so good about the game??? actually i oso dun know why, its just about buying cloth, item and arrangement of your restaurant, just like sims. now if i havent open my facebook for a day it seems my hand pandai jadi gatal mau bukak facebook main tu game ahahahaha. inilah ni orang teda kerje

1 comment:

myself said...

update blog pasal restaurant city banglong?haha :D