Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sendiri Sendiri

It's a nice morning and it was a good sleep only to realize that.
None of my housemates were around damn them pigi kelas ndak kasi bangun sa.
I missed my class again lah nampak gayanya malasnya mau forge mc lagi.
But to think again it was also my fault cause I sleep late last night ehehehe main game.
Everything is okay now sakit pun baik sudah tinggal mau kasi habis antibiotik ja.
Buduh punya ubat tapi ada bagus jugaklah dia kasi baik sa.
And now I am left alone terpaksa tunggu diorang balik.
Lately everyone seems to be acting sendiri sendiri ndak pandai membawa lagi tu.
Taulah semua sudah ada cewek kan. Nampak gayanya akulah last man standing.
I miss the time when we all will tebodoh sama sama ndak tau mau buat apa.
Skrg aku satu orang ja lah selalu tebodoh di rumah. Jadi internet freak ahahaha.
Actually I got a lot of things in mind of what to do but.
My wallet won't agree with me ahaha I really spend a lot.
Sometimes I don't know on what I spend my money on.
Habis begitu ja ni. Maybe because I eat a lot and still I'm still kurus.
I am feeling so lazy this semester. I'ts hard for me to study.
Whenever I got the chance to skip class I will skip class without hesitation.
Forging mc is my specialty now ehehehe. There's a romur I heard about extending sem.
It's because of the H1N1 because the number of cases seems to be rising.
I hope they will consider extending the sem, I don't mind graduate a bit later.
Better than to die because of some stupid disease right.
I also might got what I wanted most a whole semester break wooohoooo.
Is this what they call killing to birds with one stone.


Anonymous said...

jgn malas2 pg class!kasi habis tu study cepat2!

myself said...

ada blog la diaaa :p